
1 Första åtgärder 2 Materialbeständigh. 3 Beteendeklasser 4 Personlig skyddsutr. 5 Märkning 6 Måttomvandling 7 Mudderverk 8 Risk mindre olyckor 9 Emballage 10 Undervattensteknik 11 Kem. stridsmedel 12 Referenser

Bilaga 9   Referenser


Ref. 1

International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG-Code), Volym I-IV samt supplement, uppdateras fortlöpande, International Maritime Organization, London England.



Ref. 2

Miljøkonsekvenser av akutte utslipp, Rapport 94:19, 1994, Statens forurensningstilsyn, Pb 8100 Dep, 0032 Oslo, Norge



Ref. 3


Utgivna på finska, svenska och engelska, uppdateras fortlöpande

Finska Räddningsinstitutet, Hulkontie 83, FIN-70820  Kuopio, Finland,  www.pelastusopisto.fi



Ref. 4

Farligt Gods, Pärm 1-4, uppdateras fortlöpande, Svenska Brandskyddsföreningen, Stockholm, Sverige, www.svbf.se.



Ref. 5

Plast- och Kemiföretagen,

Skyddsblad för kemiska ämnen

Skyddsblad för kemiska produkter

Miljöskyddsblad för kemiska produkter

Uppdateras fortlöpande

Industrilitteratur, Sverige, www.industrilitteratur.se, www.plastkemiforetagen.se



Ref. 6

Hommel, Günter, Handbuch der gefährlichen Güter,

6 band (med CD-ROM) 2006, Uppdateras fortlöpande

Springer Science+Business Media, www.springer.com



Ref. 7

Kustbevakningen, Räddningstjänstplan - Miljöräddningstjänst till sjöss, Del 1-2, 1999, Karlskrona, Sverige.



Ref. 8

Kartlegging av Absorberende Midler, Rapport 93:21, 1993, Statens forurensningstilsyn, Pb 8100 Dep, 0032 Oslo, Norge



Ref. 9

Statens Räddningsverk, Samordning av provtagning, SRV Cirkulär 1/93 R, SRV, Karolinen, SE-651 80  Karlstad, Sverige, maj 1993.



Ref. 10

Lewis J. R., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, three volumes,10th edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.



Ref. 11

US Environmental Protection Agency, Standard Operating Safety Guides, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC 20460, USA, 1992, NTIS Publication 9285.1-03.



Ref. 12

Koops W., Two New Tools and a Working Method for Crisis Management of Accidental Spills at Sea, Delft University Press, 1992.



Ref. 13

United States Coast Guard, Chemical Hazards Response Information System (CHRIS), webb-baserad handbok med information om 1300 kemikalier (2006).





Ref. 14

Koponen J., Salo S. och Hirvi J.-P., Description of a Computer Program for Chemical Spill Simulation, Mimeograph Series of the National Board of Waters and the Environment No. 440, Helsinki, Finland, 1992.



Ref. 15

Salo S., The Fate of Chemicals Spilled on Water - A Literature Review of Physical and Chemical Processes, Vesi-ja Ympäristöhallitus, Helsinki, Finland, 1992.



Ref. 16

Stenström B., Transportation of Packaged Dangerous Goods by Sea in the Baltic Sea Area  -  A Study Performed for the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, A report compiled for the Ministry of Environment Protection of Finland, juni 1992.



Ref. 17

Aoustin Y. och Cabioc’h F., Criteria for Decision Making Regarding Response to Accidently Spilled Chemicals in Packaged Form - Hydrodynamic Aspects, IFREMER, Centre de Brest, BP. 70, 29280 Plouzane, Frankrike, 1992.



Ref. 18

Cabioch F., The Behaviour and Fate of Packages Lost at Sea: A Report Based on Studies Carried Out for the French Administration and the European Commission, CEDRE, Centre for Documentation Research & Investigation into Accidental Water Pollution Incidents, Centre de Brest, BP. 70, 29280 Plouzane, Frankrike, 1991.



Ref. 19

International Maritime Organization, Manual on Chemical Pollution - Section 2 - Search and Recovery of Packaged Goods Lost at Sea, IMO, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, England 1991.



Ref. 20

Stenström B., Transportation of Packaged Dangerous Goods by Sea in the Baltic Sea Area  -  A Report Regarding Shipments in Swedish Ports and Waters, ÅF-Industriteknik AB, Stockholm, Sverige, april 1991.



Ref. 21

Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, Manual on Co-Operation in Combatting Marine Pollution within the Framework of the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, 1974 (Helsinki Convention), Vol. III - Response to Incidents Involving Chemicals, Helsinki Commission, Finland, April 1991.

OBS!   Den 1 december 2002 ersatt av Ref. 113



Ref. 22

Statens Räddningsverk, Åtgärder vid olyckor med giftiga kondenserade gaser, SRV Cirkulär 4/91 R, SRV, Karolinen, SE-651 80  Karlstad, Sverige, 1991.



Ref. 23

Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, Study of the Risk for Accidents and the Related Environmental Hazards from the Transportation of Chemicals by Tankers in the Baltic Sea Area, Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings No. 34, Helsinki Commission, Finland, Maj 1990.



Ref. 24

Stenström B., Transportmönster och riskbedömning avseende transport av miljöfarliga ämnen i bulk i svenska farvatten, ÅF-Industriteknik AB, Utgåva nr 2, Stockholm, Sverige, april 1990.



Ref. 25

Stenström B., Transportmönster och riskbedömning avseende transport av miljöfarliga ämnen i bulk i svenska farvatten, ÅF-Industriteknik AB, Utgåva nr 2, Stockholm, Sverige, april 1990.



Ref. 26

Shell International, Chemspil, Rapporter nr HSE 90.006, HSE 90.007 och HSE 90.008, Shell Internationale Petroleum Maatschappij B.V., The Hague, Holland, 1990.



Ref. 27

Harris F.S., Hard nuts to crack, Hazardous Cargo Bulletin, September 1990, p. 71-72.



Ref. 28

CAMEO, US National Safety Council, Customer Service, Box 558, Itasca IL 60143-0558, USA, telefax +1 708 285 0797.





Ref. 29

Photovac Incorporated, Microtip HL-200 User’s Manual, Photovac Inc., 25/B Jefrin, Boulevard West, Deer Park, NY 11729, USA, tel. +1 516 254 4199, fax +1 516 254 4284.



Ref. 30

European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC), Av E. van Nieuwenhuyse 4. bte 1, B-1160 Bruxelles, Belgien, telefax +32 2 676 7332.



Ref. 31

Watanabe M., Categorization of Noxious Liquid Substances, 1990 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, American Institute of Chemical Engineers; National Response Team; Chemical Manufacturers Association , Houston, Texas, USA, 13-17 maj 1990,  p. 443-456.



Ref. 32

Wiltshire G.A. och Rand M., Cargo Removal and Salvage of the Tank Barge ACO-501, 1990 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, American Institute of Chemical Engineers; National Response Team; Chemical Manufacturers Association , Houston, Texas, USA, 13-17 maj 1990,  p. 619-633.



Ref. 33

GESAMP, Reports and Studies No. 35  -  Revision of GESAMP Reports and Studies No. 17, IMO, International Maritime Organization, London, England, 1989.



Ref. 34

Szluha A.T. et al., Response Manual for Combating Spills of Floating Hazardous CHRIS Chemicals, MAXIMA Corporation, Environmental Technology Division, 107 Union Valley Road, Oak Ridge, TE 37830, USA, 1989.



Ref. 35

Bonham N., Response Techniques for the Cleanup of Sinking Hazardous Materials, Technology Development and Technical Services Branch, Environmental Protection, Conservation and Protection, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0E7, rapport EPS 4/SP/1, april 1989.



Ref. 36

Fingas M., Computer Models and Data Bases for Spills, Spill Technology Newsletter april-juni 1989,  p. 4-10.



Ref. 37

Saltveit S.J. och Brabrand Å., Utslipp av syre fra Idun fabrikker - en vurdering av virking på bunndyr og fisk, Laboratorium for Ferskvannsøkologi og Innlandsfiske, Zoologisk Museum, Universitetet i Oslo, Norge, Notat Nr. 1, 1988.



Ref. 38

Scully T., HAZ-MAT Information Retrieval - the Promise and the Reality, 1988 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, American Institute of Chemical Engineers and the National Response Team, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 16-19 maj 1988,  p. 574-579.



Ref. 39

Melvold R.W. och Gibson S.C., A Guidance Manual for Selection and Use of Sorbents for Liquid Hazardous Substances, JRB Associates Inc., McLean, VA, USA, 1987, NTIS Report PB87-208765.



Ref. 40

Boyer K.R., Hodge V.E. och Wetzel R.S., Handbook: Response to Discharges of Sinking Hazardous Substances, Hazardous Waste Engineering Research Laboratory, US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH 45268, USA, EPA/540/2-87/001, september 1987.



Ref. 41

Unterberg et al., Reference Manual of Countermeasures for Hazardous Substance Releases, Combustion Engineering, Environmental Monitoring & Services Inc., Newbury Park, CA 91320, USA, 1987, NTIS Report PB87-232252.



Ref. 42

International Maritime Organization, Manual on Chemical Pollution - Section 1 - Problem Assessment and Response Arrangement, IMO, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, England 1987.



Ref. 43

Solsberg L.B., Parent R.D. och Ross S.L., A Survey of Chemical Spill Countermeasures, Environmental Emergencies Technology Division, Technology Development and Technical Services Branch, Conservation and Protection, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0E7, Report EPS 9/SP/2 December 1986.



Ref. 44

Mark C.G. et al., Case History of the MV Rio Neuquen: Containment and Ocean Disposal of Reacting Aluminum Phosphide, 1986 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Association of American Railroads;  US Coast Guard; Chemical Manufacturers Association; US Environmental Protection Agency, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 5-8 maj 1986,  p. 19-24.



Ref. 45

Eden A. van, Destruction of Chlorine Containers on the Sea Floor of the North Sea, 1986 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Association of American Railroads;  US Coast Guard; Chemical Manufacturers Association; US Environmental Protection Agency, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 5-8 maj 1986, p. 25-35.



Ref. 46

Szluha A.T. et al., Review of Technologies for Containment and Recovery of Floating Hazardous Chemicals, 1986 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Association of American Railroads;  US Coast Guard; Chemical Manufacturers Association; US Environmental Protection Agency, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 5-8 maj 1986,  p. 65-71.



Ref. 47

Skovronek H.S. et al., Hazardous Substance Detection by Canine Olfaction, 1986 Hazardous Material Spills Conference (ej med i Proceedings), Association of American Railroads;  US Coast Guard; Chemical Manufacturers Association; US Environmental Protection Agency, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 5-8 maj 1986.



Ref. 48

US Environmental Protection Agency, Delineating Toxic Areas by Canine Olfaction, Project Summary EPA/600/S2-85/089, December 1985



Ref. 49

Environment Canada, EnviroTIPS - Environmental and Technical Information for Problem Spills, "Introduction Manual" och 50 st monografier över olika kemikalier med uppgifter om egenskaper, hantering, risker, exempel på inträffade olyckor, responsmetoder m.m., Technical Services Branch, Environmental Protection Programs Directorate, Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0E7



Ref. 50

Environment Canada, Manual for Spills of Hazardous Materials, Technical Services Branch, Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0E7, Cat. No. En40-320/1984E, March 1984.



Ref. 51

Ernst W.D., NOAAs Chemical Advisory Report (CHEMREP) System for Spill Response, 1984 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Association of American Railroads/Bureau of Explosives; Chemical Manufacturers Association;  US Coast Guard; US Environmental Protection Agency, Nashville Tennessee, USA, 9-12 april 1984,  p. 135-140.



Ref. 52

Winter S., Nyrén K. och Karlsson E., Uppkomst och utbredning av explosiva eller giftiga gasmoln - Katalog med beräkningsexempel för trycklagrade gaser (klor, ammoniak, svaveldioxid, propan och vinylklorid), Försvarets Forskningsanstalt Huvudavdelning 4, SE-901 82  UMEÅ, Sverige, FOA Rapport E 40011, 2. uppl. mars 1984.



Ref. 53

Unterberg W., Melvold R.W., Flaherty L.M. och McCarthy, Jr., L.T., Procedures for Selection of Countermeasures for Hazardous Substance Releases, 1984 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Association of American Railroads/Bureau of Explosives; Chemical Manufacturers Association;  US Coast Guard; US Environmental Protection Agency, Nashville Tennessee, USA, 9-12 april 1984,  p. 151-161.



Ref. 54

Arner L.D., Johnson G.R., Masters H. och Skovronek H.S., Toxic Area Delineation by Canine Olfaction, 1984 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Association of American Railroads/Bureau of Explosives; Chemical Manufacturers Association;  US Coast Guard; US Environmental Protection Agency, Nashville Tennessee, USA, 9-12 april 1984,  p. 191-194.



Ref. 55

Offenhartz B.H. och Lefko J.L., Enzyme-Based Detection of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons, 1984 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Association of American Railroads/Bureau of Explosives; Chemical Manufacturers Association;  US Coast Guard; US Environmental Protection Agency, Nashville Tennessee, USA, 9-12 april 1984,  p. 195-198.



Ref. 56

Jadamec J.R., Bentz A.P., Hiltabrand R.R. och Kleineberg G.A., The U.S. Coast Guard Mobile Response Laboratory, 1984 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Association of American Railroads/Bureau of Explosives; Chemical Manufacturers Association;  US Coast Guard; US Environmental Protection Agency, Nashville Tennessee, USA, 9-12 april 1984,  p. 199-204.



Ref. 57

Meyer R.A., Brugger J.E. och Lowrance D.J., Mapping Sunken Pollutant Pools with Depth Finders, 1984 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Association of American Railroads/Bureau of Explosives; Chemical Manufacturers Association;  US Coast Guard; US Environmental Protection Agency, Nashville Tennessee, USA, 9-12 april 1984,  p.  214-219.



Ref. 58

Kelty J., Calculation of Evacuation Distances During Toxic Air Pollution Incidents, 1984 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Association of American Railroads/Bureau of Explosives; Chemical Manufacturers Association;  US Coast Guard; US Environmental Protection Agency, Nashville Tennessee, USA, 9-12 april 1984,  p. 311-314.



Ref. 59

Thomsen E.S., Evacuation Distances for Spills of Hazardous Chemicals, 1984 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Association of American Railroads/Bureau of Explosives; Chemical Manufacturers Association;  US Coast Guard; US Environmental Protection Agency, Nashville Tennessee, USA, 9-12 april 1984,  p. 315-321.



Ref. 60

Traver R.T., Summary of On-Scene-Coordinator Protocol for Contaminated Underwater Operations, 1984 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Association of American Railroads/Bureau of Explosives; Chemical Manufacturers Association;  US Coast Guard; US Environmental Protection Agency, Nashville Tennessee, USA, 9-12 april 1984,  p. 343-350.



Ref. 61

Verschueren K., Handbook of Environmental Data on Organic Chemicals, Handbook Book/CD Set, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.   http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/



Ref. 62

Herrick E.C., Carstea D. och Goldgraben G., Sorbent Materials for Cleanup of Hazardous Spills, MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA, USA, 1982, NTIS Report PB82-227125.



Ref. 63

Thornton G.J.E., Williams J.E. och Clements R.J., Response to a Major Discharge of Pentachlorophenol in a Waterway, 1982 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Bureau of Explosives; Chemical Manufacturers Association;  US Coast Guard; US Environmental Protection Agency, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 19-22 april 1982,  p. 68-76.



Ref. 64

Weston R.R., Selecting a Treatment Technique for Contaminated Bottom Sediments, 1982 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Bureau of Explosives; Chemical Manufacturers Association;  US Coast Guard; US Environmental Protection Agency, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 19-22 april 1982, p. 102-110.



Ref. 65

Yen N.C., Doherty C.B. och Bloetscher F., Container Systems for Use in Marine Chemical Incidents, 1982 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Bureau of Explosives; Chemical Manufacturers Association;  US Coast Guard; US Environmental Protection Agency, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 19-22 april 1982,  p. 373-380.



Ref. 66

Ashworth P., A Dispersion Model for Sinker Liquids Spilled into Waterways, 1982 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Bureau of Explosives; Chemical Manufacturers Association;  US Coast Guard; US Environmental Protection Agency, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 19-22 april 1982,  p. 404-413.



Ref. 67

Breslin M.K. och Royer M.D., Use of Selected Sorbents and an Aqueous Film Forming Foam on Floating Hazardous Materials, JRB Associates Inc., McLean, VA, USA, 1981, NTIS Report PB82-108895.



Ref. 68

Hansen C.A. och Sanders R G., Removal of Hazardous Material Spills from Bottoms of Flowing Waterbodies, Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of  Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH 45268, USA, 1981, NTIS Report PB81-230922.



Ref. 69

Akers C.K. et al., Guidelines for the Use of Chemicals in Removing Hazardous Substance Discharges, Calspan Corporation, Buffalo, NY 14221, USA, 1981, NTIS Report PB82-107483.



Ref. 70

Tang. N. et al., Sulfuric Acid Spill Characteristics Under Maritime Accident Conditions, US Coast Guard, US Department of Transportation, Washington D.C., USA, 1981, NTIS Report ADA 110276.



Ref. 71

Sundblad B., Konsekvenser av tankerhaveri vid transport av metanol, Studsvik Report K2-80/371, 1980, Studsvik Energiteknik AB, SE-611 82  Nyköping, Sverige.



Ref. 72

Dawson G.W., McNeese J.A. och Coates J.A., Application of Buoyant Mass Transfer Media to Hazardous Material Spills, Batelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, Washington 99352, USA, 1980, NTIS Report PB80-198427.



Ref. 73

Shooter D., Lyman W.J. och Sinclair J.R., Response Techniques for Spills of Hazardous, Water Soluble Chemicals, Paper presented at the 1980 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency  och US Coast Guard, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 13-15 maj 1980.



Ref. 74

Schneider G.R., Removal of Water-Soluble Hazardous Materials Spills from Waterways by Activated Carbon, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1980 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency  och US Coast Guard, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 13-15 maj 1980,  p. 82-87.



Ref. 75

Goodier J.L. och Thompson C.H., In-Place Removal of Spilled Toxics: Available Tools, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1980 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency  och US Coast Guard, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 13-15 maj 1980,  p. 123-133.



Ref. 76

Meyer R.A. och Kirsch M., Detection of Insoluble Sinking Pollutants, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1980 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency  och US Coast Guard, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 13-15 maj 1980,  p. 168-173.



Ref. 77

Hiltabrand R.R. och Wogman N.A., In Situ Detection and Analysis of Pollutants in the Marine Environment by X-Ray Fluorescence, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1980 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency  och US Coast Guard, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 13-15 maj 1980,  p. 192-196.



Ref. 78

Thibodeaux L.J. och Christy P.S., The Spill of Sinker Chemicals - Laboratory Simulations, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1980 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency  och US Coast Guard, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 13-15 maj 1980,  p. 369-374.



Ref. 79

Dodge F.T., Bowles E.B., White R.E. och Flessner M.F., Release Rates of Hazardous Chemicals from a Damaged Cargo Vessel, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1980 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency  och US Coast Guard, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 13-15 maj 1980,  p. 381-385.



Ref. 80

Robinson J.S., Hazardous Chemical Spill Cleanup, Noyes Data Corporation, Park Ridge, New Jersey, USA, 1979.



Ref. 81

Harsh K.M., Toxicity Modification of an Anhydrous Ammonia Spill, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1978 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency; US Coast Guard; Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 11-13 april 1978,  p. 148-151.



Ref. 82

Urban M. och Losche R., Development and Use of a Mobile Chemical Laboratory for Hazardous Material Spill Response Activities, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1978 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency; US Coast Guard; Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 11-13 april 1978,  p. 311-314.



Ref. 83

Hand T.D. et al., Feasibility Study of Response Techniques for Discharges of Hazardous Chemicals that sink, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, PO Box 631, Vicksburg, MS 39180, USA, juni 1978.



Ref. 84

Hand T.D. och Ford A.W., The Feasibility of Dredging for Bottom Recovery of Spills of Dense, Hazardous Chemicals, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1978 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency; US Coast Guard; Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 11-13 april 1978,  p. 315-324.



Ref. 85

McCracken W.E. och Schwartz S.H., Performance Testing of Spills Control Devices on Floatable Hazardous Materials, US Coast Guard, US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Cincinnati, OH, USA, 1977, NTIS Report PB 276581.



Ref. 86

Dawson et al., In Situ Treatment of Hazardous Material Spills in Flowing Streams, Batelle Northwest, Richland, Washington 99352, USA, 1977, NTIS Report PB 274455.



Ref. 87

Willmann J.C., Blazevich J. och Snyder, JR., H.J., PCB Spill in the Duwamish-Seattle, WA., Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1976 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency och Oil Spill Control Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 25-28 april 1976,  p. 351-355.



Ref. 88

Butragueno J.L. och Costello J.F., Safe Stand-off Distances for Pressurized Hydrocarbons, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1978 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency; US Coast Guard; Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 11-13 april 1978,  p. 411-416.



Ref. 89

Raij P.P.K. och Reid R.C., Fate of Liquid Ammonia Spilled onto Water, Environmental Science & Technology Vol. 12, No. 13, dec 1978,  p. 1422-1425.



Ref. 90

Dawson G.W., Mercer B.W.  och Parkhurst R.G., Comparative Evaluation of in Situ Approaches to the Treatment of Flowing Streams, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1976 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency och Oil Spill Control Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 25-28 april 1976,  p. 266-271.



Ref. 91

Willmann J.C., Blazevich J. och Snyder, JR., H.J., PCB Spill in the Duwamish-Seattle, WA., Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1976 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency och Oil Spill Control Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 25-28 april 1976,  p. 351-355.



Ref. 92

Lafornara J.P., Polito M. och Scholz R., Removal of Spilled Herbicide from a New Jersey Lake, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1976 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency och Oil Spill Control Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 25-28 april 1976, p.378-381.



Ref. 93

Lafornara J.P., Polito M. och Harsch J., EPA Pumps Virginia Pond to Remove Spilled Toxaphene, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1976 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency och Oil Spill Control Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 25-28 april 1976,  p. 404-406.



Ref. 94

Drake E. et al., A Feasibility Study of Response Techniques for Discharges of Hazardous Chemicals that Disperse through the Water Column, Arthur D. Little Inc.,Acorn Park, Cambridge, MA 02140, USA, 1976, NTIS Report AD-A040968.



Ref. 95

Bauer W.H., Borton D.N. och Bulloff J.J., Agents, Methods and Devices for Amelioration of Discharges of Hazardous Chemicals on Water, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, 110 Eighth Street, Troy, NY 12181, USA, 1975, NTIS Report AD-A024221.



Ref. 96

Raj P.K., Hagopian J. och Kalelkar A.S., Prediction of Hazards of Spills of Anhydrous Ammonia on Water, Arthur D. Little Inc.,Acorn Park, Cambridge, MA 02140, USA, 1974, NTIS Report AD 779400.



Ref. 97

Daniels S.L., Product Stewardship for Chemicals Used in Water and Wastewater Treatment, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1974 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, American Institute of Chemical Engineers och US Environmental Protection Agency, San Francisco, California, USA, 25-28 augusti 1974,  p. 31-37.



Ref. 98

Raj P.K. och Hagopian J.H., Hazards Presented by the release of Anhydrous Ammonia on Water, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1974 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, American Institute of Chemical Engineers och US Environmental Protection Agency, San Francisco, California, USA, 25-28 augusti 1974,  p. 179-187.



Ref. 99

Lafornara J.P. och Wilder I., Solution of the Hazardous Material Spill Problem in the Little Menomone River, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1974 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, American Institute of Chemical Engineers och US Environmental Protection Agency, San Francisco, California, USA, 25-28 augusti 1974,  p. 202-207.



Ref. 100

Looström B., Fallet Viggo Hinrichsen från miljöskydds- och personskyddssynpunkt, Anförande vid Tredje Nordiska Sammankomsten Rörande Oljebekämpning till Sjöss, Köpenhamn, 26-29 november 1973.



Ref. 101

Göteborgs brandförsvar., Fenol - en undersökning av utsläppet i Skarvikshamnen, Göteborg den 13 januari 1973, Göteborgs brandförsvar, Dnr A 65/73, Sverige.



Ref. 102

Mercer B.W., Shuckrow A.J. och Dawson G.W., Treatment of Hazardous Material Spills with Floating Mass Transfer Media, US Environmental Protection Agency, USA, 1973, EPA-670/2-73-078, Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 40402, USA.



Ref. 103

Freestone F.J. och Zaccor J., Design, Fabrication, and Demonstration of a Mobile Stream Diversion System for Hazardous Material Spill Containment, Control of Hazardous Material Spills: Proceedings of the 1978 National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills, US Environmental Protection Agency; US Coast Guard; Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 11-13 april 1978,  p. 371-377.



Ref. 104

Waleij A., Dumpade C-stridsmedel i Skagerak och Östersjön, Totalförsvarets Forskningsinstitut - FOI, Sverige, Rapportnr. FOI-R-0148-SE, september 2001.
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Ref. 105

Tiravanti G. och Boari G., Potential Pollution of a Marine Environment by Lead Alkyls: The Cavtat Incident, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 13 No. 7, 1979,  p. 849-854.



Ref. 106

Nikunen E., Leinonen R. och Kultamaa A., Environmental Properties of Chemicals, Research Report 91, Ministry of the Environment, Helsinki, Finland, 1990.



Ref. 107

US Environmental Protection Agency, Report of the EPA Hazardous Substances Task Force, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, US EPA, Washington, DC 20460, USA, April 30, 1992.



Ref. 108

Lundmark T., Ammoniakutsläppet i Landskrona, Brandförsvar 4/76.



Ref. 109

Håkansson R.., Ammonia Loading Line Rupture, Conference Paper, 1976 Symposium on Safety in Ammonia Plants and Related Facilities - AIChE.



Ref. 110

Ryman S., Olycksfall i arbete med lossning av ammoniak, Landskrona Polisdistrikt, Rotel 2, Sverige, Promemoria 743-170/76, 1976-03-30.



Ref. 111

Cleminski R., Inferno on the Rhine, Reader´s Digest, november 1987,  p. 98-105. (Svenska upplagan: Natten då Rhen dog, Det Bästa, september 1987,  p. 91-97)



Ref. 112

Oxford Molecular Group PLC, The Medawar Centre, Oxford Science Park, Oxford OX4 4GA, UK, Tel: +44 1865 784600, Fax: +44 1865 784601.

Ref. 113 HELCOM Manual on Co-operation in Response to Marine Pollution within the framework of the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (Helsinki Convention), Volume 2, 1 December 2002, Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helsinki Commission, FIN-00160 Helsinki, Finland
Ref. 114 Report on the Ariadne incident, 1986 Hazardous Material Spills Conference Proceedings, Association of American Railroads;  US Coast Guard; Chemical Manufacturers Association; US Environmental Protection Agency, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 5-8 maj 1986.

Ref. 115

Prognosmodellen MET
(Modells für Effekte mit Toxischen Gasen),

ISi Technologie GmbH, Rorschacherstr.126, 9450 Lüchingen, Switzerland,  E-Mail: met@isitech.com

www.isitech.com    www.memplex.com



Ref. 116

CHEMMAP chemical discharge model

Applied Science Associates, Inc.

70 Dean Knauss Drive

Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882-1143, USA

Email: asa@appsci.com

Websites: www.appsci.com   www.chemmap.com
Lokal nerladdning av valideringsdokument

Ref. 117

BMT Cordah Limited

Grove House, Meridians Cross, 7 Ocean Way, Ocean Village, Southampton, Hampshire, SO14 3TJ, UK

Tel: +44 23 80232222;  Fax: +44 23 80232891



Ref. 118

UK National Chemical Emergency Centre

E5 Culham, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3ED,UK

Tel: +44 (0)8701 906443;   Fax: +44 (0)8701 906613


Ref. 119 Imbibitive Technologies America Inc. , O/A IMTECH AMERICA
4800 James Savage Rd. , Midland, MI, U.S.A. 48642-6528
E-mail: imtech@imbiberbeads.com
Web Site: www.imbiberbeads.com

Ref. 120

RO-CLEAN DESMI A/S, 21B Hestehaven
DK5260 Odense S, Denmark



Ref. 121

Chou J., Hazardous Gas Monitors: A Practical Guide to Selection, Operation and Applications, McGraw-Hill and SciTech Publishing, 1999, www.intlsensor.com/book/reviews.html


Ref. 122

SRS Crisafulli, Inc., 1610 Crisafulli Drive, P. O. Box 1051, Glendive, Montana, 59330  USA




Ref. 123

Mud Cat™, Division of Baltimore Dredges, LLC, 1425 Wicomico Street, Baltimore, Maryland U.S.A. 21230



Ref. 124

SMHI, SE-601 76 Norrköping, Sverige



Ref. 125

SMV engineering a.s, Postbox 100, 5374 Steinsland, Norway




Ref. 126

HYDRO-BIOS Apparatebau GmbH

P.O.Box 8008, D-24154 Kiel-Holtenau, Germany

Web: www.hydrobios.de

Email: sales@hydrobios.de




Ref. 127

CANIMPEX Enterprises Ltd.

41 Rockhaven Drive, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3M 1Z8      Canada

Web: www.canimpex.ns.ca

Email: info@cpx-solutions.com



Ref. 128

KC-Denmark, Holmbladsvej 19, DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark

Web: www.kc-denmark.dk

E-mail: kc@kc-denmark.dk


Ref. 129

US Environmental Protection Agency,
Surface Water Sampling, 1994
Lokal nerladdning av detta dokument

Environmental Response Team SOP #2013, Revision #0.0. Edison, NJ.   http://www.ert.org



Ref. 130

US Environmental Protection Agency,
Drum Sampling, 1994
Lokal nerladdning av detta dokument

Environmental Response Team SOP #2009, Revision #0.0. Edison, NJ.   http://www.ert.org



Ref. 131

US Environmental Protection Agency,
Tank Sampling, 1994
Lokal nerladdning av detta dokument

Environmental Response Team SOP #2010, Revision #0.0. Edison, NJ.   http://www.ert.org


Ref. 132

Europeisk standard CEN (European Committee for Standardization)

EN 943-1:2002 Skyddskläder för användning mot kemikalier i vätske- och gasform inklusive vätskeaerosoler och fasta partiklar – Del 1: Fordringar på prestanda för ventilerade och ej ventilerade "gastäta" (Typ 1) och "ej gastäta" (Typ 2) skyddskläder (28.8.2003)

EN 943-2:2002 Skyddskläder mot kemikalier i vätske- och gasform inklusive vätskeaerosoler och fasta partiklar – Del 2: Funktionskrav för gastäta (Typ 1) skyddsdräkter för insatsstyrkor (10.8.2002)


Ref. 133

US Environmental Protection Agency, Oil Spill Program Update, Vol.1, No. 4, July 1998, (The U.S. EPA’s Oil Program Center Report),  www.epa.gov/oilspill/pdfs/epaupd4.pdf

Lokalt kan denna rapport hämtas här.

Ref. 134 Nyström M., Mindre behållare för frakt av farligt gods till sjöss, Praktikantarbete 1997, 70 sidor, Kustbevakningens centrala ledning, Karlskrona, Sverige.
Lokalt kan denna rapport (pdf 70 sidor) hämtas här.


Ref. 135

Kustbevakningen, Kemiska stridsmedel till sjöss  -  Information och vägledning för svenska fiskare, 2003, 10 sidor, Kustbevakningens centrala ledning, Karlskrona, Sverige, internetbaserat dokument.
Lokal nerladdning av 2003 års version av detta dokument


Ref. 136

Destruction of Chemical Weapons, Report of the Nato Advanced Research Workshop on Destruction of Military Toxic Waste, Naaldwijk, The Netherlands, 22-27 May 1994


Lokal nerladdning av detta dokument


Ref. 137

Prosjektoversikt: Nordisk kontaktgruppe for kjemikalieulykker, 29 sidor,

101 st FoU-projekt finansierade av Nordiska Ministerrådet

Publicerad av Statens forurensningstilsyn (SFT)


Lokal nerladdning av detta dokument


Ref. 138

Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods, Model regulations, Volume I and Volume II, Fourteenth revised edition, United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2005


Part 6, Requirements for the construction and testing of packagings, Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs), Large Packagings, Portable Tanks, Multiple-Element Gas Containers (MEGCs) and Bulk Containers


Part 6 (pdf 168 sidor): www.unece.org/trans/danger/publi/unrec/rev14/English/08E_Part6.pdf


Samlingsdokument med alla delar: www.unece.org/trans/danger/publi/unrec/rev14/English/00E_Intro.pdf


Allmän information: www.unece.org/trans/danger/publi/adr/adr_e.html


Senaste nytt: www.unece.org/trans/danger/danger.htm



Ref. 139

Almgren R., Räddningstjänst vid olycka med gaser, 1999, Räddningsverket, Sverige, 75 p.


Ref. 140

Den Nordiske Styringsgruppen for FoU i forbindelse med Bekjempning av og Sanering etter Kjemikalieulykker på land og til sjøs, Nordisk FoU samarbeid om bekjempning av kjemikalieulykker - sluttrapport 1985-97, 9 sidor, 14 april 1998.

Lokal nerladdning av detta dokument

Ref. 141 Källström H. och Mourujärvi H., Teknik vid kemikalieolycka, 1999, Räddningsverket, Sverige, 87 p.
Ref. 142 Återkondensering av ammoniak
Video som visar tekniken och taktiken för återkondensering (impaktering) vid utsläpp av ammoniak, tid 10 min., Informationsbolaget, Malmö, Sverige.



Ref. 143

US Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-905-B94-003 (Remediation Guidance Document) Chapter 4, (deals about dredging)




Ref. 144

US Environmental Protection Agency, Framework for Dredged Material Management, May 2004, Chapter 2.0 Overview of Dredging Operations and Dredged Material Management Alternatives




Ref. 145

The US Dredging Operations Technical Support Program DOTS



Ref. 146

IMO/UNEP, Regional Information System; Part D, Operational Guides and Technical Document. Section 7. Theory and practice of foams in chemical spill response, REMPEC, May 1992, 25 p.


Lokal nerladdning av detta dokument

